About Us

Compassion Cultivation


Margy Lim, M.A., MFT

Margy Lim has trained at Stanford University as a Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) teacher and is a Certified CCT teacher through the Center for Compassion Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University. Through my years working as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist both in private practice and as a staff clinician at the Stanford Faculty Staff Help Center, I have observed that compassion for self is in short supply. In our hard-driving, high achieving area, many people are hard on themselves and suffer as a result. I find great satisfaction in introducing people to the concept of compassion for self and ultimately for others. Self-compassion is, in the deepest sense, self-care and fosters resilience and a feeling of connectedness, often reducing feelings of anxiety and depression. In teaching Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT), my aim is to provide the skills necessary to cultivate and maintain a sense of kindness toward self and others in order to enhance the sense of wellbeing in our homes, communities and places of work and to prepare us for life’s inevitable challenges.

To contact us, please email Nanja H. Hansen or Margy Lim

Margy Lim, MFT and Nanja H. Hansen, LPCC are Compassion Cultivation Facilitators in Training enrolled in the Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) Teacher Certification program at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Stanford University (CCARE).

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